Why secular AA?
Why a meeting for women and non-binary AA members?
Join Mercedes, Allie, Janet, Chuckles and the the International Conference of Secular AA team for May 2023's monthly edition of the International secular AA story time. Hear three stories and discussion to follow. This was a Zoom panel that everyone was welcome to attend that ICSAA is delighted to share with anyone in - or has an interest in - sobriety. #secularAA
More secular AA meetings, panels, speakers @ https://secularaa.buzzsprout.com/
More about ICSAA (secular Alcoholics Anonymous) for atheists, humanists, agnostics and everyone @
Email us @ secularaa@gmail.com
Secular AA is AA sobriety without the God-stuff, one of the fastest growing subcultures within Alcoholics Anonymous offering 100 agnostic/atheist/freethinkers AA meetings every day + regional events and the International Conference of Secular AA (ICSAA). More @ https://aasecular.org
Why secular AA?
Why a meeting for women and non-binary AA members?
Join Mercedes, Allie, Janet, Chuckles and the the International Conference of Secular AA team for May 2023's monthly edition of the International secular AA story time. Hear three stories and discussion to follow. This was a Zoom panel that everyone was welcome to attend that ICSAA is delighted to share with anyone in - or has an interest in - sobriety. #secularAA
More secular AA meetings, panels, speakers @ https://secularaa.buzzsprout.com/
More about ICSAA (secular Alcoholics Anonymous) for atheists, humanists, agnostics and everyone @
Email us @ secularaa@gmail.com
Secular AA is AA sobriety without the God-stuff, one of the fastest growing subcultures within Alcoholics Anonymous offering 100 agnostic/atheist/freethinkers AA meetings every day + regional events and the International Conference of Secular AA (ICSAA). More @ https://aasecular.org