Secular AA's Podcast
International Conference of Secular Alcoholics Anonymous - atheists & agnostic in AA stories, panels, speakers, meetings... This is the podcast page for ICSAA recovery #addiction #recovery #atheism #ICSAA #secular #secularAA #alcohol #self-help #mutual-aid
Secular AA's Podcast
ICSAA 2022 From 3 Continents our SPANISH SPEAKING Meeting with English Translation
Este es el episodio 38 de la Conferencia Internacional de AA Secular - el panel de habla hispana. El episodio 38 es la traducción al inglés de nuestros hablantes de España, Argentina y Colombia. Visite el Episodio 37 para ver la versión en español de esta reunión de octubre de 2022 en Zoom
This is the English translation of our Spanish Speakers meeting from Columbia, Spain and Argentina. Thank you Manuel G for simultaneous translation from English to Spanish and Spanish to English. This was the 5th biennial International Conference of Secular AA featuring Spanish/English and French/English programing. We hope to do more to reduce barriers and help people connect with each other who seek an irreligious approach to Alcoholics Anonymous.
Join Edgar, Pilar, Armando and Marisa for this historical multi-continental AA meeting.
More Secular AA (ICSAA) https://aasecular.org
Meetings for agnostics, athiests and freethinkers in Alcoholics Anonymous
Secular AA is AA sobriety that is neither religious nor irreligious, focusing on the practical, humanist tools of Alcoholics Anonymous and borrowed from the wider recovery community. Secular AA is a growing subculture within AA, offering 100 agnostic/atheist/freethinkers AA meetings every day + regional events and the International Conference of Secular AA (ICSAA). More @ https://aasecular.org