Secular AA's Podcast
International Conference of Secular Alcoholics Anonymous - atheists & agnostic in AA stories, panels, speakers, meetings... This is the podcast page for ICSAA recovery #addiction #recovery #atheism #ICSAA #secular #secularAA #alcohol #self-help #mutual-aid
Secular AA's Podcast
BC Secular AA Roundup 2024 with Dr Ray Baker of Vancouver
Dr. Ray B., “What I have learned and seen in Recovery Communities.” What is addiction? The 4 cees,
Loss of Control
Recovery and Connection
"Lack of social connection is more harmful to health than obesity, smoking and high blood pressure ." House, Landis, Anderson, Science 29 Jul 1988: Vol. 241, Issue 4865, pp. 540-545
This recording is from the 2nd annual BC Secular AA Roundup in Langley, British Columbia (Canada) on July 13, 2024.
This is Shirley R from Nelson BC, Al-Anon, NA and AA member sharing her story of what it was like, what happened, and what it’s like now.
Other panels/workshops on this day include:
Shirley R, Nelson BC, Canada
Joe C moderating a workshop on CHIME (Connection, Hope, Identity, Meaning, Empowerment),
Washington State panel on Conference Approved Literature, what it is and is not, and three panellists describing what and why they read in their home group or personal journey.
Emotional Sobriety
An update on the Vancouver International AA Convention 2025 and the International Conference of Secular AA in Orlando September 20-22, 2024.
More info about AA and Secular AA for atheists, agnostics, freethinkers and everyone:
Canadian Life In Recovery Survey 2017
Secular AA is AA sobriety that is neither religious nor irreligious, focusing on the practical, humanist tools of Alcoholics Anonymous and borrowed from the wider recovery community. Secular AA is a growing subculture within AA, offering 100 agnostic/atheist/freethinkers AA meetings every day + regional events and the International Conference of Secular AA (ICSAA). More @ https://aasecular.org