Secular AA's Podcast

ICSAA 2024 Trauma & the 12 Steps with Dr. Jamie Marich

secular AA Season 4 Episode 73

What a great talk by Dr. Jamie Marich based on her studies, practice and lived experience with addiction, recovery, the 12 Steps and Trauma. Hosted/introduced by Zanner, Jamie tells the ICSAA 2024 Orlando crowd that they had their Dr. Jamie Marich dress and PowerPoint professional presentation upstairs; after sitting through day one's chill-vibe, she thought that frayed gene shorts, a "Sober is Sexy" T-shirt and a talk from the heart was more in order.

Not only is Dr. Jamie a recognized clinical professional and author, but their candid shares from lived experience as a trauma survivor and a person with mental health challenges in long-term recovery from addiction. Unafraid of controversy, she will also boldly speak to where her field and society at large gets it wrong about mental health and recovery. Her multi-layered perspective allows her to feel at home in front of diverse audiences as she addresses how to heal our history of wounding in new and creative ways that lead to emotional, spiritual, vocational, and interpersonal flourishing.

The International Conference of Secular AA first started in Santa Monica in 2014, then called We Agnostics & Freethinkers International AA Conference, went to Austin in 2016, Toronto 2018, online (Zoom) 2020 (when Washington was cancelled due to COVID), 2021, 2022, 2023 and live again in Orlando September 20th to 22nd in Orlando.
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Secular AA is AA sobriety that is neither religious nor irreligious, focusing on the practical, humanist tools of Alcoholics Anonymous and borrowed from the wider recovery community. Secular AA is a growing subculture within AA, offering 100 agnostic/atheist/freethinkers AA meetings every day + regional events and the International Conference of Secular AA (ICSAA). More @